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Rhema Bible Church Weekly Podcast with Pastor Craig W. Hagin

Jul 26, 2022

In this special 50 years of Campmeeting episode we talk about how Campmeeting started and the special week that we are going to have.  Myself, Tony and Anthony all talk about some Campmeeting experiences we have had.  You don’t want to miss this special episode.

Jul 22, 2022

John Grunewald joins us again on the podcast.  He talks about the Rhema Campuses around the World and how we increased during a pandemic,  John also introduces us to the European book project.  We talk about a unique way they are raising money for the book project, hiking the Colorado Trail 

Jul 15, 2022

John Grunewald from Rhema Europe joins us on the podcast.  John gives us an update on what’s going on in Europe with our new schools.  He also goes through the process of opening a new RBTC International Campus.  He tells us about his upcoming hike on the Colorado Trail.

Jul 9, 2022

2022 Graduating students giver their testimonies, how they got to RBTC and what this school has meant to them.  It’s a must listen podcast for those wanting to come to Rhema Bible Training College.